

Your Business, Your Way

A value-packed workshop to help you define your goals and achieve them.  Prepare you and your business for the next year before it starts. 

We guarantee you will walk away with at least 1 thing you can apply into your business right now. 

Spaces are limited, so book NOW! 

Take the pain out of the process and join our fun workshop

Many business owners write a plan when they start their business, then it never sees the light of day again. 

In fact, a business plan should be a living, working document with your business strategy and key goals to get from where you are now to where you want to be in the future. 

Time Management

Does time run away from you?

Are there never enough hours in the day?

Do you find yourself sitting ‘doing work’ but never actually get anything done?

You are not alone. This workshop will empower you with some key time management tips and techniques to put you in control. From deciding what to do to be smarter with emails we will look at it all. You will get the chance to find the techniques that works for you and leave the workshop with some clear steps for you to be more effective and efficient. 

Imagine sitting at your desk and completely EVERYTHING you want to. What will you do with the extra time you will have freed up?

Vision Board Workshop

Create a vision that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning!

Visualisation is one of the most powerful ways you can use your mind.  And, it has been proven to work! 

A vision board helps you to focus on how you want to feel, not just the things that you want. 

Do you dread having to present?

Did you know, that public speaking is ranked as people's Number 1 fear? Yes, it ranks higher than dying! 

Most of us find ourselves having to present at some point in our lives. During this workshop, we will focus on some skills and techniques to enable you to feel more confident. Working in small groups and individual work, you will practice these skills in a friendly environment. 

Whether it's 45 seconds or 45 minutes, you will leave with skills and techniques that change how you feel about presenting.

Imagine standing up next time your present and actually enjoying it! 

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